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Web Development Student

About Me

I am a 20-year-old student pursuing a computer science degree at UNC Charlotte, with a passion for programming and technology. I am constantly seeking out new challenges and opportunities to grow my skills and expand my knowledge base. Throughout my academic career, I have excelled in my computer science coursework, building a strong foundation in programming languages such as JavaScript and Java. Additionally, side projects have allowed me to further my experience in these languages, and create projects displaying my progress so far - most of which are visible on my Github.

I am excited to continue exploring the many future opportunities that computer science will offer. I am open to internships, research opportunities, and other experiences that will allow me to further develop my skills and contribute to the industry. Thank you for taking the time to visit my profile, and please don't hesitate to connect with me on Linkedin if you would like to learn more or discuss potential opportunities.

Specific technology I’m familiar with include HTML, CSS, Javscript, Node.js, Java, and the full Adobe suite.

This Website!

I used industry-standard tools to design and create a personal portfolio site.

Technology Used:
Image of this website rendered on a laptop screen

Source API Discord Bot

I used Discord.js to create a discord bot that interacted with the Source game engine API to send in-game commands. e.g) if a user ran the "kill" command followed by a username, that player would die.

Technology Used:
Image of a linux terminal rendered on a laptop

HTML Log Analyzer

I created and distributed a HTML Log parser that is given an arbitrary amount of logs from the game Town of Salem, then parses those logs to provide actionable data such as role and user winrates.

Technology Used:
Image of a linux terminal rendered on a laptop

Project Showcase API

I developed a REST API that hosts a JSON file listing various details about my previous projects, then parse that data via a webpage.
Preview at:

Technology Used:
Image of a linux terminal rendered on a laptop

My Resume